Academic Supports
Tutorial is every day between Period 1 and Period 2. See the Bell Schedule for exact times.
The purpose of tutorial is for students to receive help from teachers or peer tutors, work on schoolwork, get make-up work after or before an absence, use the College and Career Center, and see case managers or school counselors. Tutorial time may also be used for school business such as safety drills and other programming.

Tutorial Model:
- Students can attend Tutorial based on the image above.
- If a teacher’s tutorial is listed as “green,” all students can attend that teacher’s tutorial (unless it is full). If their tutorial is listed as “yellow,” it will be limited to certain students at the teacher’s discretion (i.e. students working on a specific assignment). If a teacher’s tutorial is listed as “red,” it is limited to only specific assigned students and is closed to everyone else.
- Teachers will update a matrix showing if their tutorial is green, yellow, red that will be sent to students to review daily.
- The cafeteria will be open for students and monitored by administrators. In the cafeteria, phones will need to be put away and it will be open only for students to work quietly, individually.
Leigh’s Tutorial Norms:
- Attend a tutorial every day.
- Check to see if you’re assigned to a specific tutorial.
- If assigned to multiple tutorials on the same day, attend the priority subject tutorial.
- If unassigned, check the tutorial matrix and make a plan.
- Always be on time, and make sure your attendance is recorded. Students marked absent for Tutorial will have a truancy on their attendance record.
- Maintain a learning environment that allows all students to work productively.
All school and classroom rules and expectations apply to Tutorial. Students in violation of Tutorial Norms are subject to consequences at the discretion of the teacher and/or Assistant Principal without prior warning.
If students are assigned to multiple classes for tutorial on a single day, they must attend the priority subject for the day. If the priority subject does not apply, then the student may choose which assigned tutorial to go to.
Homework Center
Calling all students who are looking for help with studying and completing homework assignments! Teacher supervisors and Leigh's National Honor Society (NHS) tutors are available Monday-Thursday to help. The homework center is available during 7th period (2:30-3:25PM) Monday through Thursday except Collaboration and Minimum days. Also there are plans to have half hour sessions after 7th period for most of the Homework Center days.
Credit Recovery
Leigh High School provides a number of credit recovery opportunities for students. Therefore, if you or your student is in need to recover credits, please speak with your Counselor immediately to review your credits and courses needed to graduate and become A-G Eligible. Please know that credit recovery opportunities are limited in space and will prioritize students from 12th Grade and down.