Bio 有關游老師/有关游老师

My name is Sonya Yu. I moved to Silicon Valley in 1999 and then became a US citizen. When I was in my hometown, Taiwan, I served as a music teacher at a public elementary school, I also taught harp at a high school special talent program and a college. It's a great honor to join the Leigh Family. The hard-working colleagues and diligent students at Leigh are the inspiration to motivate me to be a better teacher. The classes I coach are Mandarin 1, 2, 3, 4 Honors, and AP Chinese. 
Please note that Mandarin 1 is only for students who have no learning experience with Mandarin speaking, reading, and writing. For the coming new students, if you have ever learned Mandarin Chinese and do not fit in the Mandarin 1 class, please email me to arrange a placement assessment. Finding you the proper class level is a very important start to helping you succeed in the program.  Email: [email protected]
我是游上儀老師。在1999年,研究所的學業吿一段落後,我就搬到矽谷來就業,正式從留學生移民成為美國公民。 我在家鄉臺灣時就在公立學校服務,包括指導小學四五六年級音樂課、高中音樂班,以及兼任大學講師。很榮幸能夠加入 LEIGH 這個大家庭,與這裡認真努力的同事與學生一起成長。我負責所有的華語以及AP中文的課程。
我是游上仪老师。在1999年,研究所的学业吿一段落后,我就搬到矽谷来就业,正式从留学生移民成为美国公民。我在家乡台湾时就在公立学校服务,包括指导小学四五六年级音乐课、高中音乐班,以及兼任大学讲师。很荣幸能够加入 LEIGH 这个大家庭,与这里认真努力的同事与学生一起成长。我负责所有的华语以及AP中文的课程。