Welcome to Leigh High School's ASB and Leighdership!
In collaboration with other school departments and organizations, ASB (Associated Student Body) and Leighdership plan and/or support many of Leigh High School's activities and extra-curricular opportunities. The ultimate goal of ASB and Leighdership is to foster an inclusive environment, where all students feel safe and valued, so they can contribute to building and sustaining a strong culture at Leigh High.
We invite you to learn more about who we are and to check out our activities & events for this year! Browse through the Activities webpages on this site. Follow us on IG @famleigh, Facebook @leighhighschool, and TikTok @famleigh. Subscribe to the Leigh News Network (LNN) YouTube channel @leighnewsnetwork, a student-run weekly broadcast that highlights events and important information happening at Leigh.