Student & Parent Handbook

Home of the Longhorns
Joe Ianora

Assistant Principals
Brandon Wall, Craig Williams, Courtney Schembri

5210 Leigh Avenue
San Jose, CA  95124
Phone: (408) 626-3405
Fax: (408) 265-7525

Campbell Union High School District Board of Trustees
Dr. Robert Bravo, Superintendent
Stacey Brown – Kalen Gallagher – Linda Goytia – Robert Varich – Michal Winter
Welcome Longhorns! We are committed to providing high quality educational experiences for all students and helping you navigate high school and beyond. This handbook outlines the procedures and policies which maintain a positive learning environment and a safe campus, providing both students and parents with the information and resources necessary for a successful school year!  The policies in this handbook will not supersede any board policies or administrative regulations.
Automated System (408) 626-3405
Attendance, Health & Assistant Principals Press 1
Guidance & Registrar Press 2
Activities Director Press 3
Athletics Press 4
Book Room and Library Press 5
Deaf Program Press 6
Special Education Press 7
Principal, Vice Principal & School Secretary Press 0
24-Hour Attendance Hotline  (408) 558-3065
Leigh's vision is to foster a learning community where we all strive for continual growth. 
Leigh’s mission is to create a safe, caring learning environment that prepares students for success in their post-high school lives. This includes engaging in meaningful activities, using appropriate tools, thinking critically, problem solving, and applying analytical skills. Students, staff, and parents share the responsibility for advancing the school's mission.
In the pursuit of our vision and mission, Leigh values community, integrity, and growth.

We work together to create a safe, inclusive community where everyone values diversity and feels a sense of purpose and belonging.

We learn through curiosity, collaboration, willingness to take risks, steady effort, and reflection.

We conduct ourselves with honesty and responsibility, fostering accountability in our authentic learning environment.

Schoolwide Learner Objectives
Anti-Racism & Equity
In accordance with the CUHSD School Board’s resolution denouncing racism and white supremacy, Leigh:

is committed to being facilitators of the limitless growth potential of all people, with the charge to instill in our youth a belief that every person deserves to live with dignity, be valued for their humanity, and be treated ethically; and denounces discrimination, racism, and sentiments against Black people. We will not tolerate racist treatment of any members of our community, and we will speak out against racism and systemic oppression in our society to help stop the spread of bigotry; and specifically denounce the use of racial slurs. We are responsible for intervening should anyone hear derogatory terms being used. Reports of racial slurs will be investigated, and individuals using offensive language will be held accountable through appropriate consequences and restorative action; and will confront the biases in our own school district and actively engage in the challenging work of dismantling the problematic practices that are limiting the opportunities for our Black, Brown and Indigenous students.
Equal opportunity
Leigh High School promotes nondiscrimination and an environment free of harassment based on an individual’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, marital status, age, sexual orientation, cultural background, socioeconomic status, physical characteristics, or place of residence in any educational programs, activities, or employment. Questions or concerns about equal opportunity should be directed to the principal. (CUHSD Board Policy 0410; CA Ed Code 200-262.4)
Title IX Gender Equity in Education, Athletics, Activities
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law prohibiting gender discrimination in any school receiving federal funds. The text of the law states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance….” If you have questions or concerns, please contact your Title IX Coordinator: the CUHSD Director of Student Services, at (408) 371-0960, ext. 2016.
Main Office
Offices of the Principal and school secretary are found in the Main Office. Student Services is also located in the Main Office: Assistant Principals, Counselors, Guidance Clerk/Registrar, Attendance Clerk, and Health Clerk. Open 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Attendance Clerk
See the Attendance Clerk for clearing absences, late passes, off-grounds passes, and locker assignments. Students must never leave campus without speaking to the Attendance Clerk.
Health Clerk
The Health Clerk helps with immunization records, minor medical emergencies, and contacting parents for students who have become ill and need to go home. Note: Health Clerk is not a nurse and is prohibited by law from giving out medication without written approval from the student’s doctor. 
Guidance Clerk/Registrar
See our registrar for transcripts, information on credits, course descriptions, and testing programs. 

Athletic Director
Contact our Athletic Director for all questions related to athletics, coaches, practice schedules, and facilities. The Athletic Director’s office is next to the Boys’ Locker Room.
Activities Director
All matters related to student extra-curricular activities are coordinated by the Activities Director.

The library is open before school, during lunch, and after school. Some school business may affect these hours. Library books may be checked out for three weeks; reference books may not be checked out but may have pages photocopied. Students and their parents must have filed a Technology Agreement contract prior to using any school computer. Eating and drinking are not allowed. Students who disturb others or violate library rules may be denied library privileges. Late or overdue books result in fines, which may affect participation in dances and other school activities.
Technology Clerk
Issues with technology such as classroom phones, student Chromebooks, staff laptops/desktops, projectors, or printers should be directed to our technology Clerk who is located in the Library. Use the district Tech Ticket through the Staff Portal.

Textbooks + Chromebooks
Textbooks are furnished to students free of charge. Students are accountable for the cost of replacing/repairing textbooks which are lost or damaged. 

Lost and Found
For lost books and technology, go to the library; for lost clothing/personal items, go to the Main Office. Students are encouraged not to bring large amounts of money or valuable items to school. 

Work Permits 
Students can pick up the form in the Main Office. A signature from the employer and parent is required before the permit is turned back into the Main Office. Students must have a minimum of a 2.0 to qualify for a Work Permit. Permits may be revoked due to a decline in a  student’s attendance, behavior or grades. 

Apparel: Students are required to wear clothing in PE that is conducive to athletic activities. For safety and supervision reasons, shirts must be gray and shorts or sweats must be green. Students must wear closed toe athletic footwear. PE uniforms are available for optional purchase. 
Excuses: A student may be excused from PE for up to three days with a signed note from parents; medical excuses for longer than three days require a doctor’s note. Students with verified injuries or illness that impedes their ability to participate in PE for six weeks or more will be removed from PE. The student will be re-enrolled once they are healed and/or healthy either the following semester or when it fits into the students schedule. If the injury or illness is a week to a few weeks, the student will be expected to participate at the level identified by their doctor and may be required to do alternative assignments depending on the limitations.  

Canvas is Leigh’s primary tool to communicate with students and parents. ALL students are expected to maintain an active Canvas account, and all parents are strongly encouraged to enroll on the site. Teachers use Canvas to post daily homework assignments; both students and parents can see what has been assigned and when it’s due. Teachers also use the Canvas gradebook. Students and parents should use the site to track progress, see missing assignments, and see grades on individual assignments. Some teachers may also post handouts and other class materials here. 

Lockers may not be shared or used by any other student; any items in lockers will be considered the property of the student to whom the locker is assigned. Locks are furnished free of charge; lost locks will result in a charge for the replacement cost. Do not bring or leave personal belongings or valuables in lockers. The school does not have insurance to cover lost/damaged items left in lockers and is not responsible for any missing item(s). Lockers are subject to random search by school administration, and/or search due to reasonable suspicion. (CUHSD Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5145.12)

No Fees, Charges, or Costs for Classes 
There is no required fee, charge, or cost for any class, textbook, class tools, or field trips the school offers. LHS provides the books, materials, and equipment for classes.. LHS may ask for voluntary monetary donations toward the cost of materials or field trips; however, no student will be denied access to a free education. Extra donations and voluntary participation in fundraising are always deeply appreciated.  (CUHSD Administrative Regulation 3261; CA Ed Code 49010-49014)

Student ID Card/ASB (Associated Student Body) Card
All students will receive a free photo identification card (ID) at registration. Students with cell phones are encouraged to take a photo of their ID so that it is easy to keep with them. All students are required to carry their IDs at all times on campus and at school events. IDs are required to attend school events, purchase lunch in the school cafeteria, and check out books. Students can purchase an ASB Card upgrade, which provides free admission to regular season home athletic events, discounts on most dance tickets, and a yearbook. Lost cards can be replaced by the Activities Director for a replacement fee of $5.
To ensure that classroom or academic concerns are addressed effectively, students and parents should start by contacting the teacher. If the teacher does not resolve the concern, then proceed with the next person on this list: 
  1. Teacher
  2. Assistant Principal or Counselor
  3. Principal
To Find Out About: Contact: Location:
Advanced Placement Assistant Principal Main Office
Alternative School Options Counselors Main Office
ASB/ID Cards Activities Director Activities Office
Athletic Team Tryouts Athletic Director Athletic Director Office
Attendance Attendance Clerk Main Office
Change of Address Assistant Principal Main Office
Checking out of school Attendance Clerk Main Office
College Admissions Counselors Main Office
Dance Guest Passes
Activities Director Activities Office
Graduation Requirements Counselors Main Office
Discipline Assistant Principal Main Office
Health Services Health Clerk Main Office
Home & Hospital Instruction Assistant Principal Main Office
New Student Enrollment Assistant Principal Main Office
Reduced/free lunch program Health Clerk Main Office
Request for homework Counselors Main Office
Schedule adjustments Counselors Main Office
CASSY Counselor Any Staff Main Office
Testing (CAASPP, PSAT) Assistant Principals Main Office
Transcripts Registrar Main Office
SVCTE Ashley Potischman Main Office
Work Permit Ms Agustin Main Office
Textbooks Ms Grim Library
Chromebooks Mr Smith Library
All day absences must be called in directly by a parent /guardian to the 24-hour attendance line (408-558-3065 – leave a message) on or before the day of the absence. All absences must be cleared within four days to avoid being designated as “truant.”  Any illnesses over five days require a doctor’s note. The status of any absence cannot be changed after the four day clearance period. Students are required by law to attend school on a regular basis. Any students who are chronically truant (Ed Code 48263.6) or habitually truant (Ed Code 48262) will be subject to the processes outlined in their respective Ed Code sections, including - but not limited to - being dropped from current class schedule and an attendance review with the District Attorney. Missed assignments can be made up when an absence is excused, and if satisfactorily completed within a reasonable time, shall be given full credit. (Ed Code 48205(b).)  

Excused Absences
Absence will be excused for:
  • illness (a doctor’s note is required for over 5 consecutive days, or after 10% of total school days)
  • medical or dental appointments
  • bereavement (funeral services for up to 3 days)
  • a court appearance required by law
  • religious holidays observed by family
  • school activity (approved participation in a school co-curricular activity in which the student represents the school or district)
(Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5113)
Unexcused Absences include those that occur because a student oversleeps or because of suspensions and expulsions. Absences for which a parent/guardian does not call in will be considered truant. Students will not be allowed to attend or participate in school events when they have an unexcused absence on the day of or day before, including - but not limited to - school dances and field trips. No refunds will be issued in this circumstance.
(Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5113)

Tardy Policy
It is critical to student learning and the classroom and campus environments that students be in class on time. Therefore, students are expected to be in class prior to the tardy bell.  After 5 tardies, students may be assigned detention. For chronic tardiness, students may be assigned additional detentions and/or Friday school, and may need to meet with the Assistant Principal to discuss any barriers to being on time. Assistant Principals strive to support students being on time and to assist them with any barriers where appropriate. We ask that parents/guardians support this expectation at home. 

Please note:
  • Students with detention and/or Friday School are placed on a Restriction List until the detention(s) are served. Students on this list are restricted from attending school events, including - but not limited to - school dances. Students who continue to earn detention due to tardiness may be subject to other disciplinary action.
  • Afternoon SVCTE students must serve their detention(s) in the morning before school, by arrangement with an Assistant Principal. 
Leaving During School
Students are required to remain on campus for their entire school day, unless they are granted an Off Grounds Pass. Off Grounds Passes are granted ONLY for treatment of an injury, illness, or appointment. The parent must speak with the Attendance Clerk at least two hours before the time the student is to be released.  Absences for students who leave without checking out will not be excused; students leaving campus without checking out will be marked truant and may be subject to disciplinary action. (CUHSD Board Policy 5112.5; CA Education Code 44808.5)
The expectations in this handbook have been crafted to meet the following goals:
  • Prepare students for professional conduct expectations
  • Promote effective use of entire duration of class period for learning
  • Maximize focus and participation in classroom and learning environments
  • Keep students physically safe
  • Promote an environment in which students and staff feel safe and comfortable
General Rules
The school has established rules to guide student conduct:
  • Students will settle conflicts calmly and peacefully, avoiding violence or intimidation as a response to disagreements. Involve a staff member if necessary. Students not involved will immediately leave and/or avoid the scene of a conflict unless directed by a staff member to do otherwise.
  • Students will not contribute to conflicts by spreading rumors, bullying, or threatening others with harm through any means, including but not limited to social media platforms, electronic means, and in person.
  • Students are expected to respect the authority of all staff members and comply with their direction. Any student who uses language or takes action directed at a staff member that is threatening, sexually harassing, or insulting to their ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, or other protected characteristics will result in disciplinary consequences including suspension and/or expulsion.  
  • Students and adults will refrain from use or possession of tobacco products, e-cigarettes, vapes, drugs, alcohol, or paraphernalia (lighters, etc.) on the way to/from school or school activity, on campus, or while attending any school activity.
  • The campus is closed to all non-students and non-staff between 7:00 a.m. and dismissal.  Parents/Guests coming to the school on official business must report first to the Main Office to sign in with identification and receive a visitor’s I.D. badge that must be worn while on campus.
  • Celebrations must be within school rules and in good taste. No large bouquets of balloons, classroom disruptions, or other items that will distract from the learning environment.
  • Recreational activities (i.e. catch, frisbee, running) are not permitted unless part of school sanctioned events.
  • No pets are allowed on campus unless as a service animal or pre-approved for school activity.
  • Student physical interactions are expected to be school appropriate.

Violation of General Rules will result in disciplinary action as determined by staff.

Classroom Expectations
  • Students are seated at their assigned desk when the bell rings.
  • Students arrive to class with required materials as specified in the teacher’s syllabus.
  • Phones and other electronics are silenced and stored during class according to the teacher’s classroom policy.
  • Students follow additional classroom expectations as specified by the teacher.

Violations of Classroom Expectations are at the discretion of the teacher. 

Electronic Devices
The use of cell phones, personal laptops and other electronic devices is restricted during instructional  time unless otherwise specified by the teacher (CA Education Code 48901.7). Consequences:
  • 1st offense - Any staff member turns it over to Assistant Principal. AP will return the item at the end of the school day after conversation with the student.
  • 2nd offense - Any staff member turns it over to Assistant Principal. Parents must come to the office and pick up the item.
  • 3rd offense - Any staff member turns it over to Assistant Principal. AP assigns consequence, and parent picks up. 
Student Transportation Devices 
Students riding any type of scooter, skateboard, bicycle or any type of wheeled device must adhere to the following policies:
  • Transportation devices must be parked in a designated area. This includes the bike cages and/or along the front fence for bikes or scooters, and skateboard “locker” for scooters and skateboards. No other areas are acceptable.
  • Any transportation device brought to school CANNOT be ridden anywhere on campus. 
  • Multiple violations of this policy may result in the item being confiscated and/or students being required to check their item into the Main Office everyday.
Note: The school is not liable for the damage, loss or theft of personal property brought to school.

Tutorial is a 30-minute period that is part of the instructional day; students are required to sign into tutorial by scanning their Student ID card. During tutorial, students are to attend one of their current classes for support. Students must treat tutorial with the same respect as class time, including respecting all school/classroom rules and staying on task. All students are required to attend tutorial.

The purpose of tutorial is for students to receive help from teachers or peer tutors, get make-up work after or before an absence, utilize the College and Career Center, and work on schoolwork. Some examples of schoolwork include homework, studying, reviewing, reading, collaborative work, quiz/test retakes, and make-up work.

Students with a D or  F  in any class will be held to the tutorial schedule below for intervention, and to get extra help in the class(es) with low grades. Students will be tracked by Counselors and/or Administrators to ensure they are attending. Assignment to these tutorials will be based on the grades at the end of each 6 week grading period. 
Monday  Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Science Math English Social Science World Language
Leigh’s Tutorial Norms:
  1. Attend a current teacher’s tutorial every day.
    • Except in special cases, students must stay in one teacher’s tutorial for the entire time. Use the restroom during passing periods.
    • If passing between classes, use the Leigh Tutorial Pass.
    • The teacher’s classroom rules and expectations apply to tutorial.
  2. Always be on time and sign in.
  3. Maintain a learning environment that allows all students to work productively.
  4. Work on school-related tasks.
    • Electronics are allowed with teacher permission only.

Please note that the Library is closed during tutorial and no passes will be issued or accepted.

Students in violation of Tutorial Norms are subject to consequences at the discretion of the teacher and/or Assistant Principal without prior warning. 

Closed Campus
All CUHSD schools are closed campuses; students must remain on campus for the entire school day, including tutorial and lunch. The only exceptions are for those with a valid Off Grounds Pass or SVCTE. Students must check in at the Main Office prior to leaving campus with an Off Grounds Pass. Students who leave campus without authorization are subject to search and consequences. Students who do not have a class in the middle of their school day must remain on campus in a classroom (with teacher approval) or the Library. The athletic fields and stands, tennis courts, Performing Arts Center, and all parking lots are off limits during the school day. Non-LHS students may not visit the campus during school hours; this includes LHS alumni. Deliveries for students - including but not limited to items like flowers, balloons, lunches, forgotten items or food deliveries- are not permitted. (This includes food delivery services such as Grubhub and DoorDash) (CUHSD Board Policy 5112.5; CUHSD Administrative Regulation 3515; CA Education Code 44808.5)

All CUHSD campuses have perimeter fencing for the safety of our staff and students. All gates are to remain closed during school hours. All students returning to campus or visitors must check in through the Main Office. Anyone propping gates open or opening them for someone will be subject to disciplinary action. (CUHSD Administrative Regulation 3515)

Parking Lot and Motor Vehicle Registration
Student Guidelines for Parking Permit:
  • Students will only park in the Student Parking Lots - B and C - from 7:00 am - dismissal.
  • Students will not park in the labeled Cafeteria Parking.
  • Students will drive safely, park legally, and obey all traffic laws.
  • Students found in violation of these guidelines will be subject to the following:
    • 1st offense - 1 hour of detention
    • 2nd offense - Friday School (2 hours)
    • 3rd offense - Citation by SJPD
Student vehicles must be registered with the Main Office and have a current parking permit affixed to the back window. Cars without current permits will be ticketed. Unpaid tickets and/or continued lack of permit may result in towing at the owner’s expense. 

Students parking in the community must observe the laws (i.e. regarding painted curbs, blocking any driveways, or damaging property) and be good neighbors (i.e. do not move trash/recycle bins, use trash receptacles for any garbage).

The parking lot and cars are off-limits to students during school hours. Students are not permitted to go to their cars unless they are leaving at the end of their day or with a valid Off Grounds Pass. Students in violation of that policy are subject to search and school discipline. Vehicles are subject to search if there is reasonable suspicion of education code violation. (CUHSD Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5145.12)

Loitering in the neighboring community or business areas is prohibited before, during, and after the regular school day. Students coming to school are expected to come directly onto campus and not loiter in or around the neighborhood. Loitering students may face citation.(CUHSD Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5142.2)  
Student Dress Code:In keeping with the school’s goals outlined at the beginning of this section, good taste and appropriate dress is expected of all LHS students. Teachers may impose further restrictions as needed in their own classrooms, provided they meet the aforementioned goals. The following garments are prohibited:   
  • Any items containing reference to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or slogans, pictures, emblems, symbols, or brands affiliated with alcohol, drugs, or tobacco, and/or activities illegal for minors
  • Clothing with any sexual images or innuendo 
  • Any items containing profane language 
  • Clothing depicting weapons, violence, or violent connotations, including hate speech or emblems of hate groups
  • Gang-related insignias or paraphernalia
  • Any exposed undergarments  
  • Strapless tops
  • Clothing that exposes the midriff or trunk of the body
  • Dresses and skirts exposing the upper thigh
  • Shorts without an inseam
  • Clothing/makeup that hides the identity of the wearer
  • Toys or simulated weapons
  • Clothing that has been altered or cut to expose any of the body areas mentioned above.

Students wearing clothing found in violation of dress code will be sent to the Main Office and will be asked to change their clothes. Parents may be contacted. Repeat violators will be subject to school discipline. 

Sexual Harassment, Assault, and Battery
The school and district does not tolerate any behavior or group culture that engages in or encourages behaviors that fall into any of the below areas. In addition to any criminal charges, students may be subject to school discipline for any sexual misconduct occurring on the way to, from, or during school and/or any school activity. 
Sexual Harassment Education Code defines sexual harassment as unsolicited/unwelcome written, verbal, physical and/or visual contact with sexual overtones, or continuing to express sexual interest after being informed that the interest is unwelcome. If a student believes that they are being sexually harassed by another student, see steps below:
  1. Inform the offending person that their actions are unwelcome (if they are comfortable doing this). 
  2. If the action persists or if the student is not comfortable telling the harasser to stop, make a formal complaint to the School Counselor or Assistant Principal. If a student believes they are being sexually harassed by a staff member, the student should report the incident to the Principal or an Assistant Principal.  
Harassment based on other protected characteristics (including race, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, and disability) is prohibited and unlawful.BP 4119.11, 4219.11, 4319.11

Sexual Assault
Sexual assault, defined as actual or attempted sexual contact with another person without that person's consent, includes, but is not limited to, any of the following: 
  1. Intentional touching of another person's intimate parts without that person's consent or other intentional sexual contact with another person without that person's consent.
  2. Coercing, forcing, or attempting to coerce or force a person to touch another person's intimate parts without that person's consent.
  3. Rape, which includes penetration, no matter how slight, without the person's consent, of either of the following:(A) The vagina or anus of a person by any body part of another person or by an object. (B) The mouth of a person by a sex organ of another person. 
Per Education Code 48915(c)(4) or 48900(n), suspension and expulsion are mandatory.  

Sexual Battery
Sexual battery includes touching an intimate part (breast area or anyone's groin, sexual organ, or buttocks) against that person's will (without consent) for a sexual purpose, even if the touching is through clothing. Per Education Code 48915(c)(4) or 48900(n), suspension and expulsion are mandatory.  

Student Conduct at Events
School events are meant to provide a positive and safe experience for all involved. Students are expected to follow all school guidelines. Rules and regulations apply during all events in addition to the specifics related to athletics and dances, as stated below.

Sportsmanship Expectations
LHS athletes, coaches, and fans will pursue victory with honor; our athletes will accept defeat without complaint, victory without gloating, and treat opponents with fairness, courtesy, and respect. Sportsmanship is the responsibility of everyone involved in an athletic contest: players, coaches, officials, cheerleaders, students, parents, and other spectators. Coaches, players, and spectators will respect the integrity and judgment of the officials, and will refrain from the following:  
  • Berating or ridiculing your opponent’s players, school, or mascot
  • Making obscene or negative cheers or gestures
  • Using artificial noisemakers
  • Complaining about officials’ calls (verbally or with gestures)
Violation of these expectations may result in ejection from the event. Any player, coach, or spectator who is ejected will be ineligible to compete in/attend the next contest.

School Event Expectations
General Rules
  • All Leigh Dress Code expectations apply. Shoes are required at all times. 
  • All students may be subject to search or breathalyzer at any time by CUHSD administrators or SJPD. (CUHSD Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5145.12)
  • Prompt pick up is expected at the end of the event.
  • At dances, wristbands must be worn at all times and students must dance appropriately and in good taste. 
Personal Items
  • No outside food or drink allowed.
  • No empty food or drink containers allowed.
  • No Backpacks/ large bags.
  • Small purses allowed, which are subject to mandatory search (CUHSD Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5145.12)
  • Stadium/gym lights are turned off after the game is completed.
Admission and Tickets
  • Must have Student ID (Picture of school ID is the only acceptable substitute).
  • Students on the Restriction List are not allowed to attend.
  • Enter/exit through official entrance only; there are no in-and-out privileges
  • No admission will be allowed for students who have an unexcused absence the day of or before events. No refunds will be given in this instance for events with pre-sale
  • At dances:
    • Admission allowed for the first hour of the event, and early exit allowed only within a half an hour of the advertised end time. No re-entry. 
    • Tickets are only sold during the advertised window; most events do not allow sales at the door.
    • Guest Passes are only allowed at select events, and must be pre-approved by the Activities Director.

When called into the office
  • Leave the room quickly and quietly, and report immediately to the requested location.
  • Sign in with the staff at the front desk. 
  • Cell phone use in the office is prohibited without the express permission of a staff member. Cell phones must be silenced and put away (CA Education Code 48901.7)
  • Be seated in the assigned area and wait quietly until the staff member can meet with you.
  • Report to the next class when the bell rings unless directed by staff to do otherwise.

General Summons or Visits to Main Office
  • Bring summons to the counter for direction.
  • Wait quietly near the area where you will be meeting.
  • Cell phone use in the office is prohibited without the express permission of a staff member. Cell phones must be silenced and put away (CA Education Code 48901.7)
  • Any other student-directed visits need to start at the attendance desk for assistance.

Discipline Referrals and Procedures
A referral is a written communication from any school staff to the Assistant Principals describing the misconduct that has violated classroom or school rules. The referral represents a request by the staff member for disciplinary action. When directed to go to the Main Office the student will: 
  • Go promptly and quietly, and report immediately to the Main Office 
  • Sign in with the Attendance Clerk.
  • Cell phones must be turned off and put away. 
  • Be seated in the assigned area and wait quietly until called by the AP.
  • Report to the next class when the bell rings unless directed by the AP to do otherwise.

Consequences for Misconduct
The school uses a progressive discipline model for minor offenses, but suspension or expulsion can occur for the first dangerous offense as outlined by Ed Code. Consequences increase in severity with repeated misconduct or with the seriousness of the violation. Parents may appeal suspensions to the Principal. Police will be notified of misconduct that violates the law.

Seniors committing a significant suspendable offense may lose end-of-the-year privileges including attendance at prom and walking at graduation. 

Administrator Questioning
School administrators have the right to question students and do not have to contact the parent for permission beforehand. If a student is suspended, the parent will be notified in writing of the suspension, and school staff will make a reasonable effort to contact the parent.

School Resource Officer (SRO) and other Law Enforcement Questioning
School administrators may involve an SRO in questioning a student suspected of misconduct, as defined by applicable law. Law enforcement officials can question students during the school day or during periods of extracurricular activities; efforts will be made to notify the parent following any such questioning. (CUHSD Board Policy 5145.11; California Education Codes 44807, 48264, 48265, 48902, 48906, and 48909; Penal Codes 830-832.8 and 1328)

Student Searches
Administrators may search a student and their personal property (including cars, purses, and backpacks) randomly and/or when there is reasonable suspicion to believe a student is concealing evidence of a behavior code violation. Illegal items (weapons, alcohol, drugs, etc.) or anything determined to be a threat to campus safety will be confiscated and turned over to the police (CA Education Code 48902). Items which may be used to disrupt or interfere with the educational process may be temporarily removed from a student’s possession or forfeited in accordance with the law. This includes electronic devices. Lockers belong to the school district, remain under control of the administration, and may be searched. (CUHSD Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5145.12)

Suspensions and Expulsions
Student misconduct may be serious enough to warrant a suspension and/or expulsion. TheEducation Code of the State of California dictates which behaviors can or must result in a suspension and/or expulsion. Those offenses are listed below.

Prohibited Conduct Resulting in Suspension and/or Expulsion
* Indicates offenses for which expulsion is mandatory.
48915(c)(1)* Possessing, selling or furnishing a firearm without permission
48915(c)(2)* Brandishing a knife at another person
48915(c)(3)* Unlawfully selling a controlled substance
48915(c)(4) or 48900(n)* Committing/attempting to commit sexual assault or battery 
48915(c)(5)* Possessing an explosive
48915(a)(1)(A) Caused serious physical injury to another person not in self-defense 
48915(a)(1)(B) Possession of knife or other dangerous object of no reasonable use
48915(a)(1)(C) Unlawful possession of any controlled substance (not including alcohol) except for certain first offenses and certain medications
48915(a)(1)(D) or 48900(e) Robbery or extortion (or attempted robbery or extortion under 48900(e))
48915(a)(1)(E) Assault or battery upon any school employee
48900(a)(1) Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened physical injury to another
48900(a)(2) Willfully used force or violence on another person not in self-defense
48900(b) Possessed, sold or furnished firearm, knife, explosive or other dangerous object without written permission 
48900(c) Unlawfully possessed, used, sold, furnished or been under the influence of any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant
48900(d) Selling, arranging, negotiating or delivering materials represented to be a controlled substance (look-alikes)
48900(f) Caused or attempted to cause damage to school or private property (including electronic files and databases)
48900(g) Stole/attempted to steal school property or private property (including electronic files and databases)
48900(h) Possessed or used tobacco or nicotine products
48900(i) Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity
48900(j) Unlawfully possessed, or unlawfully offered or arranged to sell, drug paraphernalia 
48900(k) Willfully defying the authority of school personnel
48900(l) Knowingly received stolen school property or private property (including electronic files and databases)
48900(m)  Possession of an imitation firearm
48900(o) Harassed, threatened, or intimidated a pupil who is a witness
48900(p) Unlawfully offered, arranged or negotiated to sell, or sold Soma
48900(q) Hazing
48900(r) Bullying or cyberbullying
48900(s) Aid or abet physical injury
48900.2 Engaged in sexual harassment 
48900.3 Caused, attempted to cause, threatened to cause, or participated in an act of hate violence 
48900.4 Engaged in harassment, threats or intimidation against District personnel or pupils creating hostile educational environment
48900.7 Made terrorist threats against school officials or school property
SPECIAL NOTE:  In addition to what is noted in the chart, expulsion proceedings will be initiated for students who possess, sell, or furnish ANY firearm, knife, explosive or other dangerous object or look-alike weapon OR sell or otherwise furnish any illegal drug, intoxicant, or alcohol, OR interfere with a school official or police officer in the conduct of their duty, OR be involved in a gang-related incident. The behavior rules apply to students whose behavior is related to school activity or attendance, which includes but is not limited to, students on school grounds, while traveling to or from school or to or from a school-sponsored activity, during the lunch period whether on or off campus, and during a school-sponsored activity. Suspension shall be imposed whether the violation occurred on other campuses or properties of the district or other districts regardless of the time of day or the day of the week of the violation. Some violations require the school to notify the police. If the behavior, conflict, or discussion started on campus but is continued or finished off campus, it is still related to school and the school has authority to discipline the student.
The teacher of any class from which a pupil is suspended may require the suspended pupil to complete any assignments missed during the suspension, at teacher discretion. (CA Education Code 48913-48913.5) A suspension may be appealed to the principal. If not resolved, a further appeal can be filed with the Director of Student Services at the District Office. A parent may place a written rebuttal in the student’s file.

Off-Campus Misconduct
Students may be subject to discipline for off-campus misconduct if the misconduct is related to school activity or attendance and causes or is reasonably likely to cause a substantial disruption to school activity. For example, a student using technology such as a home computer, cellular phone, or other electronic communication device may be disciplined for engaging in unlawful harassment or making threats against students, staff, or district property even if such misconduct occurred off-campus and during non-school hours if the behavior causes or is reasonably likely to cause a substantial disruption to school activity.

Bullying can be any pervasive physical or verbal act, including communications made in writing or by electronic means, and including one or more acts committed by a pupil or group, directed toward one or more pupils that has the effect of one or more of the following:
  • Placing a reasonable pupil or pupils in fear of harm to person or property.
  • Causing a reasonable pupil to experience a substantially detrimental effect on physical health, mental health, or academic performance.
  • Causing a reasonable pupil to experience substantial interference with his or her ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the school.

The Education Code defines an electronic act as transmission by an electronic device any of the following:
  • A message, text, sound, or image
  • A post on a social network Internet Web site including, but not limited to:
    • Posting to/creating a burn page, or website created for the purpose of having one or more of the effects listed above.
    • Impersonating a pupil without their consent for the purpose of bullying and such that another pupil would reasonably believe it.
    • Creating a false profile, profile of a fictitious pupil, or a profile using the likeness or attributes of an actual pupil other than the pupil who created the false profile.
The Faculty, Parents, Students, and Community of Leigh High School believe in fostering a culture where everyone is responsible for the highest standards of honesty, fairness, moral behavior and ethical learning. Leigh High School is committed to its Schoolwide Learner Objectives (SLOs) that includes the development of respectful and responsible individuals as well as self-directed learners. To encourage ethical learning, and to protect everyone’s right to a fair and meaningful evaluation, the Academic Integrity Policy has been established and will be enforced on a school wide basis.
VIOLATION OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY involves a conscious deliberate act designated to further the interests of the party or parties concerned. Examples include but are not limited to the following:
  • Copying or allowing another student to copy any assignment or exam including computer generated information and programs;
  • Giving, receiving, or acquiring test information. Students who receive unsolicited quiz or test information from another student must report the reception of this material immediately or risk being dealt with as though they benefited from the information.
  • Utilizing unauthorized materials or using electronic devices to conceal notes or answers
  • Plagiarizing: taking direct quotes or ideas from another source, copying answers from the back of a textbook presenting them as one’s own;
  • Failing to follow a teacher’s established or proper test taking procedures;
  • Reporting on an article or book one has not read or on a performance one has not seen
  • Altering, falsifying, removing, or copying paper or electronic school records

The teacher’s judgment, with the concurrence of the school administration, will determine whether a violation has occurred. If there is clear and convincing evidence that a student intended to cheat or did cheat, the consequences included in this policy will be invoked at the discretion of the Administration. A Table of Consequences is provided below.  Additional consequences may be deemed necessary by the administration.
1. Teacher discusses incident and consequences with student and parent. Written referral to AP. x x x
2. AP follows up with student and parent and consequences may be implemented. Referral and consequences may be sent to parent. Teacher emailed regarding outcome. x x x
3. Student is responsible for making up assignment or test within the timeframe dictated by teacher. (Outside or extracurricular activities do not constitute reasons for refusing to make-up the assignment or assessment during this timeframe). If student does not do the makeup the student will earn a “0.”  x x x
4. Conference arranged between student, teacher, parent, and administrator. All teachers notified.

x x
5. Withdrawal from non--core class with grade of “F” (reserved for 2 offenses in a single class).    x x
6. Privileges will be withheld/revoked (Examples are not comprehensive): Letters of Recommendation, dropped from sports, leadership class, NHS, Performing Arts   x x
7. Suspension or its equivalent.        x  x
Many teachers use to check for plagiarism. Your teacher will provide a Class ID code to enroll in his/her class and may require you to submit your work to the site to receive credit. Students whose work contains plagiarism will be subject to the Academic Integrity Policy, above.
Each school year, Leigh High School students will be provided with Chromebooks. Device distribution will occur at the school site and any additional technical support will be provided by District technicians at the student’s home.
For internet connectivity, survey information from the annual emergency card update in the Aeries Parent Portal will be used to follow up with families who do not have internet access at home to provide internet hotspots to students who need them.
Students who need Chromebook repair or families who need to inquire about a wifi hotspot should call the CUHSD technology hotline at (408) 558-3080.
Counselors assist students in establishing academic, college, and career goals. Students will work with their Counselor to develop a four-year plan that will be reviewed each year.

“A-G:” University of California (UC)/California State University (CSU) Requirements
  • A. History/Social Science – 2 years required
  • B. English – 4 years required
  • C. Mathematics – 3 years required, 4 years recommended
  • D. Laboratory Science – 2 years required, 3 years recommended
  • E. Language Other Than English – 2 years required, 3 years recommended
  • F. Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) – 1 year required
  • G. College Preparatory Electives – 1 year required

Leigh High School Graduation Minimum Requirements
Content Area  
English 4 years (40 credits)
Math 3 years (30 credits)
Science 3 years(30 credits): Biology, Chemistry, Physics
History/Social Science 3 years (30 credits)
PE 2 years (20 credits)
Visual or Performing Arts/Applied Arts/CTE 1 VAPA (10 credits) and 1 Applied Art/CTE (10 credits) OR2 VAPA (20 credits)
World Language 2 years (20 credits)
The LHS Testing Schedule (tentative dates)
  • The PSAT/NMSQT for Juniors: October 2022
  • The PSAT10 for Sophomores: March 2023 (Opt In on a Saturday)
  • CAASPP Testing: March 2023
  • CAST Testing March 2023
  • Advanced Placement Exams: May 2023 (Ordering for AP exams must happen in Sept/October of 2022)
A Naviance account enables students to draw up a four-year college preparatory plan, research colleges of their choice, solicit letters of recommendation, and apply for scholarships. Freshmen sign up for their Naviance accounts at school in the fall. 

College and Career Center
The College and Career Center provides information and materials relevant to college planning and applications, financial aid and scholarships, college admissions testing, SAT Prep Information, and career planning, and hosts college representatives, speakers, and workshops.

Find available scholarship applications in the College and Career Center or see your Counselor.

Financial Aid
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is available online in October and in the counseling office. Counselors are available to assist students in completing the application.  The FAFSA is a necessary document to qualify for Cal Grants or for additional types of financial aid to attend two year and four year colleges or vocational schools. 

Advanced Placement Class Information
The Advanced Placement (AP) and Honors programs at Leigh High School involves a rigorous and engaging curriculum, including extensive work outside of class. For AP courses, students are assessed by standards appropriate to a college-level course, and all enrolled students are expected to take the AP Exam in the spring as a validation of AP curriculum. Successful Honors/AP students demonstrate:
  • Personal integrity and strong work-ethic
  • Resiliency despite temporary setbacks, and a desire to learn, grow, and be challenged
  • Willingness to advocate for one’s self, especially in seeking help from the teacher
  • High expectations of self and commitment to the curriculum

Students must commit to enrollment in the course for the entire school year, and there is no option for changing classes. Dropping a class will result in a Drop F on the student’s final transcript (replacement classes will not be issued).  

Add & Drop Policy
All courses are year-long with the exception of Government/Econ. Students and their families are expected to make their changes during the multiple opportunities that exist prior to the start of the school year. No courses or classes will be changed due to teacher preference.  Parent/guardian approval is required prior to making any course changes. Students who drop classes may be subject to a WF on their transcript for that course. Spaces are not held in any classes for the possibility of students requesting changes. 

Suggestions for Academic Success 
  • Canvas– Check homework, grades, and email teachers
  • Contact teachers directly by phone or email if they have a question about academic performance. Teachers can be reached in person or via email and should return your email within two school days. Teachers should always be the first point of contact before you contact school administrators.  
  • For concerns about an academic program or 504, contact the Counselor. 
  • For concerns about  attendance or behavior, contact the Assistant Principal. 
  • If your student has an IEP, contact the Case Manager. 
  • After-school tutoring- National Honor Society students provide tutoring in all subject areas. Details provided in the fall.
Reports and Grades
Progress reports are mailed home during each semester at the end of six weeks and twelve weeks, and semester grades are mailed home at the end of the semester. Semester grades become part of the student’s permanent record and determine units of credit earned toward graduation. Five units per semester are earned for each class passed (except aide positions, which earn 2.5 credits). 

Transcripts/Student Records
December and June grades are entered on the Permanent Record Card (transcript) and are the grades used to determine subject and units completed, Grade Point Average (GPA), and class rank. Current transcripts will be provided to all students at least once a year. A student's education records are confidential and protected from unauthorized inspection or use. All access and release of education records will comply with all state and federal laws. Personally identifiable information shall be disclosed only as provided by board policy and state law. Additional information regarding records can be obtained from the Main Office. A transcript is available free of charge for the first year a student graduates from high school. A transcript after the student’s first year will be $5 and can be ordered at the district office with valid photo ID.
Letter Grade Definitions
A: Advanced - In addition to fluency in all applicable content and skills standards, the student is able to synthesize content in new ways, apply skills to new problems, and/or integrate information from multiple sources. 18
B: Proficient - The student is fluent in applicable foundational and complex content and skills standards addressed within the course.
C: Basic - The student demonstrates mastery of foundational content and skills addressed within the course.
D: Minimal - The student meets partial requirements of foundational content and skills addressed within the course.
F: Insufficient - The student does not meet the minimal requirements of foundational content and skills addressed within the course.

Incomplete Marks
A grade of “I” (Incomplete) may be issued by a teacher at the end of the grading period whenever a student, due to severe illness or extreme extenuating circumstances, has not had sufficient time to complete course requirements. An “I” must be replaced by the teacher with a letter grade within the first four weeks of the following semester.

Repeated Courses
The transcript is a record of all courses attempted. Replacement grades will be computed into the GPA; no course attempted will be removed.  

Grade Point Average (GPA)
Academic-weighted GPA includes semester grades in all courses (except P.E. and teacher/office aide); total GPA includes all semester grades. Advanced Placement (AP) classes earn one extra grade point. The academic GPA from 10th-12th grade determines admission to UC/CSUs. It is the student’s responsibility to send an official transcript to the appropriate School Counselor of grades and coursework taken at an institution other than the school; students must have prior, written approval of the School Counselor. 

Course Grading Practices
Written notice of course grading requirements and procedures is provided to students at the beginning of the school year by the teacher.  

Academic Load
No student may carry more than 35 units (7 classes) per semester without permission. Seniors may take only one student aide class per semester.

Correcting Class Schedule
Schedule corrections made by the Counselor are based on (1) needing to meet college or graduation requirements (2) not completing prerequisite courses (3) having already taken the course (4) a “hole” in the schedule or (5) multiple courses during a single period or duplication of courses.  If a student requests to correct a class after instruction has begun, the request must be made no later than the end of the seventh week of the new semester. After this, correcting a course will result in a failing grade, which will go on the student’s transcript and become a part of the permanent record.

Student Study Team (SST)
A teacher, parent, or administrator may refer a student to a student study team (SST). This team will meet with the family to discuss strategies for helping at-risk students become more successful.

Silicon Valley Career Technical Education (SVCTE)
SVCTE offers career, technical courses to high school juniors and seniors who wish to prepare for employment or post-secondary education. Students are bused daily from the school to and from the SVCTE campus for three hours of vocational instruction. 

Middle College and College Advantage programs at West Valley College
With the Middle College program, students demonstrating high maturity and academic skills will take college-level courses on the West Valley College campus while completing high school graduation requirements. Students enroll in a weekly six-hour high school program, with six+ college units per semester. The College Advantage Program is open only to seniors. The program places them on the West Valley campus for all their classes for their senior year, obtaining an early start on transferable college credits. The students are concurrently enrolled at Leigh while completing credits at West Valley.  

Final Exams
Students may take final exams in all classes each semester, and a special bell schedule allows for a shortened school day during finals. Any student who must leave school for health or other urgent reasons before final exams should make arrangements with the teacher to make-up the exams after the semester ends.
Respect for and compliance with the district’s Student Athlete Code of Conduct is expected of every student who participates in the athletic program. A copy is available at and will be part of signing up for a sport.
Leigh High School believes that participation in athletics is a privilege; it is each athlete’s responsibility to represent LHS by maintaining academic eligibility, high standards of citizenship, and honoring the game. Our Athletic Code requires student athletes to serve as a representative of our school, our community and act as a role model for others.

Football Boys Soccer Boys Volleyball
Cross Country Girls Soccer Swim and Diving
Field Hockey Boys Basketball Track and Field
Girls Tennis Girls Basketball Boys Tennis
Girls Volleyball Wrestling Softball
Girls Golf Cheer Badminton
Water Polo  
Boys Golf
Sportsmanship Definition
LHS athletes, coaches, and fans will pursue victory with honor; our athletes will accept defeat without complaint, victory without gloating, and treat opponents with fairness, courtesy, and respect. Sportsmanship is the responsibility of everyone involved in an athletic contest: players, coaches, officials, cheerleaders, students, parents, and other spectators. Coaches, players, and spectators will respect the integrity and judgment of the officials, and will refrain from the following:  
  • Berating or ridiculing your opponent’s players, school, or mascot
  • Making obscene or negative cheers or gestures
  • Using artificial noisemakers
  • Complaining about officials’ calls (verbally or with gestures)
Any player, coach, or spectator who is ejected from a contest will be ineligible to compete in the next contest.
General Eligibility Criteria
There are several prerequisites for trying out for a team. The student/athlete must have:
  • a current physical exam covering the entire school year;
  • proof of medical insurance (inexpensive insurance may be purchased through the school if the family does not have insurance—contact the Main Office for information);
  • met all of the academic eligibility requirements listed below;
  • paid all outstanding school bills; 
  • eligible residency as defined by the CCS.
Academic Eligibility Criteria for Sports
Freshmen come into high school automatically eligible and are not required to meet the requirements listed below during the first grading period of their freshmen year. Academic eligibility for athletic participation requires that the student meet the following criteria:
  • be enrolled in a minimum of five classes
  • have passed a minimum of 20 units in the previous grading period
  • have earned a minimum of a 2.0 grade point average in the previous official grading period. 
No Fees, Charges or Costs for Extracurricular Activities
There is no fee, charge, or cost to participate in extracurricular teams. Voluntary donations and voluntary participation in fundraising for a team is always deeply appreciated. The school will provide the uniform, materials, and equipment for extracurricular teams, free of charge. If a student wants to purchase accessories that are not required for the uniform, such accessories are optional and are not provided by the school. If a student wants to purchase items for the uniform that the school would otherwise provide (such as a student wants to purchase a uniform cap because the student wants to keep it at the end of the season rather than returning it), the student should talk to the coach or check the online store, but such items are not required to be purchased because the school will provide them. All uniform items provided by the school must be returned promptly at the end of the season when the coach or staff requests. Please contact the Principal if there is any concern that a fee, charge, or cost is required so that the Principal can clarify.
School coaches, teachers, and administrators believe that attendance in all classes is necessary to maintain good grades, and we expect all of our athletes to attend (and be on time to) all classes. A student athlete must meet all of the following minimum attendance requirements to participate in practice and/or a game:
  • The student must be present a minimum of 2 out of 3 periods
  • Accepted reasons for an absence to be excused for the one period are:
    • Dental or Medical Appointments (must have a doctor's note.)
    • Serious family illness (validation may be required.)
  • Accepted reasons for absence to be excused for more than 1 period (with proof/validation): 
    • Jury Duty
    • INS Appointment
    • Funeral
    • Religious event/holiday
If the student athlete is absent from school for any other reason, he or she will not be allowed to practice or play. Athletes who do not attend school on Friday may not play in a game on Saturday.
Athletes are expected to abide by all school rules. Students who have detention assigned must complete their detention prior to attending practice. Student Athletes who are suspended from school may be ineligible or removed from a team, and are subject to the following sanctions:
1 to 3 days of suspension During the days of suspension, the student may not attend or participate in any school sponsored activities whether these activities are at Leigh or at another location.
4 to 5 days During the days of suspension, the student may not attend or participate in any school sponsored activities whether these activities are at Leigh or at another location. The student will not be allowed to participate in the next scheduled competition upon his/her return from suspension.
6+ days The student will be removed from the team and shall be ineligible for the next 2 subsequent athletic seasons.
School Equipment and Uniforms
Each athlete is responsible for safeguarding and not losing all equipment and uniform items checked out to him or her. Grades, awards, block letters, and clearance for eligibility will be withheld until all equipment and uniform items have been returned or bills for lost items have been paid. Failure to return equipment and uniform items will result in a replacement bill for the items.
Dropping Out of a Sport
Students who have made the team are expected to attend practices regularly, participate with a respectful attitude, and remain on the team for the duration of the season (pending academic ineligibility). A player who quits a team in the middle of the season or is dropped from the team by the coach for attendance or disciplinary reasons will not be allowed to participate on another team until the present season is completed, unless approved in writing to do so by the Athletic Director.
Transferring Schools and Impact on Sports
Transferring from one school to another school may affect your athletic eligibility under Central Coast Section (CCS) and California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) rules. It is the student’s responsibility to see the Athletic Director for these rules. A transfer because of student discipline may impact eligibility.
Chain of Communication for Concerns with Sports
To ensure that team concerns are addressed effectively, start by contacting the coach. If the coach does not resolve your concern, then follow this order:  Head Coach, Athletic Director, Principal
Activities include but are not limited to: Marching Band, ASB/Officer positions, theater productions, and Sideline Cheer.
Academic Eligibility Criteria for Activities
Freshmen come into high school automatically eligible and are not required to meet the requirements listed below during the first grading period of their Freshmen year. Academic eligibility for activities participation requires that the student meet the following criteria:
  • be enrolled in a minimum of five classes
  • have passed a minimum of 20 units in the previous grading period
  • have earned a minimum of a 2.0 grade point average in the previous official grading period. 
Students in activities are expected to abide by all school rules. Students who have detention assigned must complete their detention prior to attending practice/activities. Student who are suspended from school may be ineligible or removed from the activity, and are subject to the following sanctions:
1 to 3 days of suspension During the days of suspension, the student may not attend or participate in any school sponsored activities whether these activities are at Leigh or at another location.
4 to 5 days During the days of suspension, the student may not attend or participate in any school sponsored activities whether these activities are at Leigh or at another location. The student will not be allowed to participate in the next scheduled event upon his/her return from suspension.
6+ days The student will be removed from the activity/team and may be ineligible for the next two subsequent semesters.
School staff, and administrators believe that attendance in all classes is necessary to maintain good grades, and we expect all of our students to attend (and be on time to) all classes. A student must meet all of the following minimum attendance requirements to participate in practice and/or an activity:
  • The student must be present a minimum of 2 out of 3 periods, and the class period missed must be excused
  • Students cannot practice/participate in any activity if they have an unexcused absence the day before or day of an event.
  • Accepted reasons for an absence to be excused for the one period are:
    • Dental or Medical Appointments (must have a doctor's note.)
    • Serious family illness (validation may be required.)
  • Accepted reasons for absence to be excused for more than 1 period (with proof/validation): 
    • Jury Duty
    • INS Appointment
    • Funeral
    • Religious event/holiday
If the student is absent from school for any other reason, he or she will not be allowed to practice or participate/attend an activity. 
Leigh High School adheres to a District Wide Student Compliance Policy that is enforced on campus regardless of the time of day, to and from school, during all school hours and at, to, or from all school-sponsored activities. Each student must comply with all rules; offenses are clearly stated in the Student Handbook and the Assistant Principals’ presentation of school rules provided at the beginning of each year and which may be periodically restated throughout the school year. Among the offenses listed in the Student Handbook, the Education Code mandates that a student MUST be recommended for expulsion AND the CUHSD Board of Trustees MUST expel a student who has committed any of the following serious offenses:
  1. Possessing, selling or otherwise furnishing a firearm.
  2. Brandishing a knife at another person.
  3. Unlawfully selling a controlled substance.
  4. Committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault or committing a sexual battery. Sexual battery includes touching an intimate part (female's breast or anyone's anus, groin, sexual organ, or buttocks) against that person's will (without consent) for a sexual purpose, even if the touching is through clothing.
  5. Possession of an explosive.
Among the offenses listed in the Student Handbook, the Education Code mandates that a student MUST be recommended for expulsion and may be expelled for the following serious offenses:  
  • Causing serious physical injury to another person, not in self-defense
  • Possession of any knife or dangerous object of no reasonable use to a pupil. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
    • knives (any type or size) or any object that is sharp or can cut
    • firearms or look-alike firearms such as pellet guns or airsoft guns
    • brass knuckles
    • fighting sticks
    • any dangerous object
  • Unlawful possession of any controlled substance listed in Section 11053 and the following sections of the California Health and Safety Code which includes, but is not limited to, the following:
    • Marijuana (over 1 oz., or concentrated, or second or subsequent offense) (First offense of less than 1 oz. of unconcentrated marijuana)
    • Cocaine
    • Methamphetamines
    • Ecstasy
    • Prescription medication (If possession is not in accordance with school rules) 
  • Robbery and/or extortion
  • Assault or battery on a school employee, including a school resource officer (SRO)
Other offenses that may result in expulsion include threatening, attempting, or causing injury; willful use of force; possession or use of drugs, alcohol, or intoxicants or look-alike substances; damage to/stealing property; possession or use of tobacco or vaporizers; obscenity/profanity/vulgarity; possession of drug paraphernalia; disruption/defiance; receipt of stolen property; bullying or cyberbullying; hazing; harassment; hate violence; or terroristic threats.
Parents should contact the appropriate teacher or school administrator. If you have concerns that you would like to report to the district office administration, go to or  call the appropriate person.


Chief of Strategy & Human Capital408-371-0960 x2010
Students or Guardians

Assistant Superintendent Educational Services408-371-0960 x2059
504 & Title IX

Director of Student Services408-371-0960 x2016 
Special Education

Director of Special Education 408-371-0960 x2024
Property Damage or Injury

Admin. Asst. of Business Services408-371-0960 x2031
Uniform Complaints
The Uniform Complaint Process is mandated by the California Education Code for any program or activity that receives or benefits from state financial assistance. The district has instituted Uniform Compliance Process Board Policy 1312.3 and Administrative Regulation 1312.3 to investigate and resolve uniform complaint issues including:
  • Unlawful discrimination (such as discriminatory harassment, intimidation, or bullying) based on the person's actual or perceived characteristics of race or ethnicity, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information, or any other characteristic identified in Education Code 200 or 220, Government Code 11135, or Penal Code 422.55, or based on his/her association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics  (5 CCR 4610)
  • Complaints alleging failure to comply with state or federal law in adult education programs, consolidated categorical aid programs, migrant education, career technical education programs, child care and development programs, child nutrition programs, school safety plans, and special education programs
Williams Uniform Complaints
Notify the school site principal for instructional materials/textbooks, teacher misassignment/vacancy, or school facilities conditions complaints.Williams Uniform Complaint (Administrative Regulation 1312.4) allows the public to file grievances regarding:
  • Insufficiency of textbooks and instructional materials;
  • Teacher vacancy or misassignments;
  • the conditions of school facilities including but not limited to, gas leaks, major pest of vermin infestation, structural damage creating a hazardous or uninhabitable condition; or any other condition deemed appropriate. (Education Code 17592.72) 
  • Emergency or urgent threat at school facilities that may pose a threat to the health or safety of students or staff;
  • A school restroom that has not been cleaned, maintained or kept open in accordance with Education Code 35292.5.
  • For a school that serves students in any of grades 6-12 with 40 percent or more of its students from low-income families, as defined, the school has not stocked at least half of its restrooms with feminine products at all times and made those products available to students at no cost.
Printable Version of Student & Parent Handbook 2022-23