Middle College

Ability to finish high school at West Valley Community College

Middle College is a high school alternative for juniors and seniors that offers students with a minimum 2.8 GPA and college potential the opportunity to complete their high school requirements on the campus of West Valley College.
The program empowers students by giving them choices and treating them as adults. Designed to provide a supportive yet challenging adult educational setting, students will take college level courses while completing high school graduation requirements. This educational environment will provide students with an opportunity to stimulate their academic development and spark their quest for learning. For information, please contact your School Counselor.
Admission Requirements
Have completed at least 110 semester units with no make-ups required.
  • Have a 2.8 Total weighted G.P.A. or higher
  • Submit two (2) completed recommendation forms from a high school teacher and one from an Advisor/Counselor;
  • Complete a two (2) page application essay;
  • Show past corrected work from one essay/assignment
  • Attend a parent/student informational meeting;
  • Complete a Parent/Student Contract;
  • Participate in  the interview process;
  • Submit a completed registration packet with all required materials including - concurrent enrollment form, WVC admission form and high school transcript
**Note: Completing these criteria does not guarantee admission