Back To School Information
Important Announcements!1. The first day of school is Wednesday, August 14th. View A/B Calendar. View Bell Schedule.
2. Parents/Guardians: please complete the Annual Data Confirmation process to update emergency contact information and review school documents.
3. Schedules will be released through the Aeries Parent Portal by end of Friday, August 9th.
Important Dates
Date/Time | Location | Activity |
July 30th – Aug 13th
Aeries Parent Portal |
Complete Data Confirmation online
(student schedule will not be released until completed).
Friday, August 9th
(8am – 1pm)
9th Grade Link Crew Orientation and Picture Day (School ID and yearbook photo).
(Register for pictures ahead of time - details below. Lunch will be provided. Students will be contacted by their Link Crew Leader beforehand with more information about orientation.)
Friday, August 9th
(8:30am – 9:30am)
Performing Arts Center
9th Grade Parent/Guardian Orientation and Welcome Event
Friday, August 9th
(End of Day)
Aeries Parent Portal | Student schedules available online in the Aeries Parent Portal upon confirmation of all processes being completed |
Monday, August 12th
(9am – 1pm)
Cafeteria |
10th – 12th Grade Photo/School ID
(Register for pictures ahead of time - details below. 9th Graders can also take their photo if they were unable to attend orientation)
Wednesday, August 14th | – |
Thursday, August 22nd
(8am – 12:30pm)
Cafeteria |
Picture Makeup Day
(Before school, during tutorial, and during lunch)
Friday, August 23rd
On Campus |
Back to School Dance
(Tickets will be available on the webstore and sold at lunch starting August 19th. If you have an ASB Card, entry to dance is FREE)
Monday, August 26th
(7pm – 8:30pm)
Library |
Home & School Club Meeting
Thursday, August 29th
(6pm – 8pm)
– |
Back to School Night
(Meet in the Quad)
Friday, August 30th
(8am – 12:30pm)
Cafeteria |
Picture Makeup Day
(Before school, during tutorial, and during lunch)
Saturday, September 1st
Webstore | Deadline to order ASB Package |
Schedule/Course Release & Corrections
- Annual Data Confirmation/ Emergency Card Update
- 9th Grade ONLY: Residency Verification
- If you need any assistance with the verification process, you can stop by the Leigh front office Monday-Friday from 8 am to 3 pm.
- Parents/guardians of returning students: If you logged in to the Aeries Parent Portal before and remember your password, please use the same email address and password. If you have forgotten your password, click on “Forgot Password?” (instructions to reset password).
- This form is only accessible for students using their account.
- Please note that priority will be given for graduation requirement issues.
*** Please note: Your teachers may change, periods may change, and other classes may be affected due to implementing your request. Counselors and/or admin will not be able to change your classes back once the changes have been made. Changes are final.
IM2 Challenge Test, Aug 9th
- IM 2 Challenge Exam Offered August 9th at 1 PM (Check-In at the Leigh Library)
- Deadline to REGISTER Thursday, August 8th at 5 PM
- In order to successfully complete the CUHSD graduation requirements and also fulfill or exceed the CSU/UC a-g college admissions requirements, students must fulfill Integrated Math 2 (IM 2) during their high school experience. This can be completed by either taking the approved math course OR students can challenge the course with the IM 2 Challenge Exam. The Challenge Exam will only be available to take in person.
- The IM 2 Challenge test is meant for students who HAVE NOT taken a WASC Accredited and UC A-G approved course and who have comprehensive knowledge of IM 2. In order to earn credit, students must take and pass 2 parts of the exam. If they pass with a 70% or higher on the first part, they will be invited to sit for Part 2 at 10 AM on Monday, August 12th. If your student qualifies to sit for Part 2, they will be notified via Parent Square message over the weekend. Students must pass with a 85% or higher grade on the second part in order to earn credit. Please note that if students pass both parts of the test, the grade they earn will be posted on their transcript.
- Students MUST register to sit for the Integrated Math 2 Challenge Test. Please use this registration LINK
9th Grade Student Orientation
Link Crew is a community building and transition program that helps incoming students make the adjustment to the high school environment. Link Crew Leaders are a group of 100+ Junior and Senior students who participate in a two-day summer training which prepares them to welcome our incoming students to Leigh and help them feel a part of the Longhorn family. During orientation, Link Crew Leaders lead their group of students through various games and community building activities which provide an opportunity for incoming students to meet their peers. Link Crew Leaders also lead a tour of campus so incoming students can become familiar with where their classes will be.
Students will be contacted by their Link Leader before the event with instructions.
9th Grade Parent Orientation/Welcome Event
Register for Picture Day/School Photos
9th grade students will have their school photo taken and receive their school ID card at Orientation on August 9th. 10th-12th grade students (and any 9th grader that missed orientation) will have their school photo taken and receive their school ID card on Monday, August 12th from 9am-1pm in the cafeteria. Makeup picture days will be on Thursday, August 23rd and Friday, August 30th.
Please take a moment and register for pictures ahead of time. Once you register, you will receive a barcode that your student will need to have their picture taken. These pictures will be the ones that go into the yearbook (except seniors who need to take their grad pictures at Now and Forever) and on your students' ID card (they will receive their new 24-25 ID card on picture day). If you'd like to purchase a photo, ordering instructions are also below.
Webstore Purchases: PE Clothes / Athletic Season Pass / ASB Package
Go to the Leigh Webstore to order the items below.
PE Clothes – Once ordered, PE clothes will be picked up by the student in their PE classes. |
Athletic Season Pass – These passes get four family members into all home athletic games |
ASB packages – Deadline to purchase is 9/1/2024. Order online in the webstore or purchase in-person, at the student store, with a check made out to Leigh High School. 100% of all proceeds from this package go back to the student body with lunchtime activities, games, free food, cultural activities, and club support.
Schedule Senior Photo Session
Campus Map
Athletics To Do - register for Fall Try Outs
Transcripts from summer classes
If your student took an approved course over the summer (i.e. math or LOTE courses only), please have the school and/or program send the official transcript directly to your student’s School Counselor. Please note the counselor alpha breakdown has changed. For more information: Leigh High School Counselor Webpage
Last Names A- Che |
Ashley Potischman [email protected] |
Last Names Chi - G |
Jennifer Buonomo [email protected] |
Last Names H - Led |
Andrea Gonzalez [email protected] |
Last Names Lee - N |
Teri Mihelcic [email protected] |
Last Names O - She |
Sandra Rodriguez [email protected] |
Last Names Shi- Z |
Amy Bencomo [email protected] |
Bell Schedule
School Calendars

- Click on this link to view the online A/B Calendar:
- Click on "Subscribe"
Student & Parent Handbook - important phone numbers, staff information, lockers, graduation requirements, report cards etc
Drop Off/Pick Up & Parking
School Meals/Lunch - Free to all Students
Staff Directory/Teacher Bios
Parent Organizations at Leigh
Tutorial Information
All students are required to attend tutorial, even if a student does not have a 1st or 4th period. Students will attend the following tutorial for the first three days of school:
Wednesday: Students will remain in their 1st period class*
Thursday: Students will remain in their 4th period class*
Friday: Students will remain in their 2nd period class*
*If a student does not have a 1st, 2nd, or 4th period teacher on the specific day, they will report to the cafeteria for tutorial.
This year attendance for tutorial will be marked in Aeries. Any unexcused absences during tutorial will be treated as truancies.

- Students can attend Tutorial based on the image above.
- If a teacher’s tutorial is listed as “green,” all students can attend that teacher’s tutorial (unless it is full). If their tutorial is listed as “yellow,” it will be limited to certain students at the teacher’s discretion (i.e. students working on a specific assignment). If a teacher’s tutorial is listed as “red,” it is limited to only specific assigned students and is closed to everyone else.
- Teachers will update a matrix showing if their tutorial is green, yellow, red that will be sent to students to review daily.
- The cafeteria will be open for students and monitored by administrators. In the cafeteria, phones will need to be put away and it will be open only for students to work quietly, individually.
Leigh’s Tutorial Norms:
- Attend a tutorial every day.
- Check to see if you’re assigned to a specific tutorial.
- If assigned to multiple tutorials on the same day, attend the priority subject tutorial.
- If unassigned, check the tutorial matrix and make a plan.
- Always be on time, and make sure your attendance is recorded. Students marked absent for Tutorial will have a truancy on their attendance record.
- Maintain a learning environment that allows all students to work productively.
Attendance - who to notify when your child is sick or has an appointment

Tardy Policy
- Students with detention and/or Friday School are placed on a Restriction List until the detention(s) are served. Students on this list are restricted from attending school events, including - but not limited to - school dances. Students who continue to earn detention due to tardiness may be subject to other disciplinary action.
- Afternoon SVCTE students must serve their detention(s) in the morning before school, by arrangement with an Assistant Principal.
Understanding Graduation Requirements/Credits
Who do I contact if I have a question or a concern?
- Teacher
- Assistant Principal or Counselor
- Principal
To Find Out About: | Contact: | Location: |
Advanced Placement | Assistant Principal | Main Office |
Alternative School Options | Counselors | Main Office |
ASB/ID Cards | Activities Director | Activities Office |
Athletic Team Tryouts | Athletic Director | Athletic Director Office |
Attendance | Attendance Clerk | Main Office |
Change of Address | Assistant Principal | Main Office |
Checking out of school | Attendance Clerk | Main Office |
College Admissions | Counselors | Main Office |
Dance Guest Passes
Activities Director | Activities Office |
Graduation Requirements | Counselors | Main Office |
Discipline | Assistant Principal | Main Office |
Health Services | Health Clerk | Main Office |
Home & Hospital Instruction | Assistant Principal | Main Office |
New Student Enrollment | Assistant Principal | Main Office |
Reduced/free lunch program | Health Clerk | Main Office |
Request for homework | Counselors | Main Office |
Schedule adjustments | Counselors | Main Office |
CASSY Counselor | Any Staff | Main Office |
Testing (CAASPP, PSAT) | Assistant Principals | Main Office |
Transcripts | Registrar | Main Office |
SVCTE | Felah Murray | Main Office |
Work Permit | Ms Agustin | Main Office |
Textbooks | Ms Grim | Library |
Chromebooks | Mr Smith | Library |